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The siding brand North America trust
Join more than 10 million* homeowners across America who trust Hardie® products to elevate and protect their homes. Our unrivaled combination of beautiful design and next-level performance make James Hardie the #1 brand** of fiber cement siding in the U.S.Why choose James HardieDive deeper into our program tiers
The Pros who belong to the James Hardie™ ALLIANCE have demonstrated experience working with homeowners and installing Hardie® products. Position your project for success, choose a member of the James Hardie™ ALLIANCE.
This tier includes a range of contractors from experienced pros with a diverse portfolio of projects including siding, to contractors with a newer affiliation with James Hardie. Contractors in this tier have consistently demonstrated their skilled ability to complete projects with Hardie® products.
Members of this tier know what it takes to deliver great results with Hardie® products and they have a demonstrated track record of quality. With years of experience, and close James Hardie affiliation, you can count on a preferred contractor to get the job done right.
Elite members exemplify what it means to be a seasoned exterior professional. Members of this tier have the highest level of expertise and experience working with Hardie® products. With an average James Hardie affiliation of over 10 years, you can feel confident that your project is in the hands of a proven pro.
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